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SEA-KIT Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs) provide a safer, low-cost and environmentally low-impact solution to the military, defence and security sectors. These adaptable, uncrewed and remotely-controlled vessels enable over-the-horizon deployment of systems and sensors for numerous mission types, including naval operations and the security and monitoring of coastal offshore assets.
By moving military and security personnel back to a safer environment, SEA-KIT USVs significantly reduce operational risk. Simple and low-cost mobilisation, extended endurance and reduced downtime costs make SEA-KIT USVs a fit-for-purpose solution to many military and security challenges.
The SEA-KIT X Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) provides a versatile, robust platform for naval defence and maritime security operations. A large payload capacity, long range and extended endurance capabilities enable this USV to undertake missions in a standalone capacity or as part of a larger group of crewed or uncrewed vessels as a force multiplier.
Its ability to launch and recover a variety of vehicles and payloads, such as AUV/UUVs and ROVs, enables multiple tasks to be conducted without placing personnel in harm’s way and at significantly reduced cost compared to crewed vessels. SEA-KIT USVs are controlled using SEA-KIT’s proprietary G-SAVI control and surveillance platform, which provides safe and secure operation from remote control centres.
The SEA-KIT X design is patented and holds Lloyd's Register Unmanned Marine Systems (UMS) certification. SEA-KIT hull designs are certified by Lloyd’s Register.

Download the SEA-KIT X brochure
The SEA-KIT H-Class USV’s highly configurable design, with retractable gondola and dual sensor deployment options, is
based on operational data and feedback collected from the proven and established X-Class USVs.
As well as increased power, seakeeping and fuel capacity, the vessel has a composite hull, reducing the ship’s weight with
the resulting fuel saving and endurance benefits. Active stabilisers minimise roll and improve data collection quality.
The H-Class further reduces surface and subsurface noise and vibration and offers flexible operational parameters. A variety of sensors can be accommodated in its retractable gondola, such as a Single/Multi Beam Echo Sounder or Sub Bottom Profiler. The USV can deploy a tow cage, SVP, MAPR, CTD and towfish/side scan sonar for deep water and nearshore bathymetric and hydrographic survey missions.
The SEA-KIT H design will hold Lloyd's Register Unmanned Marine Systems (UMS) certification. The SEA-KIT hull design will be certified by Lloyd’s Register.

The SEA-KIT XL Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) is a robust and versatile naval defence and maritime security platform that can operate effectively at long range even in heavy seas. With a payload capacity of up to 7 tonnes and powerful bollard pull, the XL USV is suitable for towing seismic cables and larger sensors.
The XL can launch and recover a range of diff erent vehicles and payloads, such as AUV/UUVs and ROVs, enabling the execution of multiple missions at reduced cost and with less risk to personnel than crewed vessels. Fully redundant station holding capability, Cat 0 operations for unrestricted use and a large lithium UPS supply for ship systems make the SEA-KIT XL a high-endurance standalone asset or strong force multiplier as part of a larger fleet.
SEA-KIT USVs are controlled using SEA-KIT’s proprietary G-SAVI control and surveillance platform, which provides safe and secure operation from remote control centres.
The SEA-KIT XL design is patented and holds Lloyd's Register Unmanned Marine Systems (UMS) certification. SEA-KIT hull designs are certified by Lloyd’s Register.

Download the SEA-KIT XL brochure
The SEA-KIT Omega Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV) is designed for extended endurance, fully uncrewed maritime operations. With the capability to launch, retrieve and control under, on and above water vehicles and sensors, including ROVs and AUV/UUVs, SEA-KIT Omega meets the requirements of current and future naval and maritime security operations.
A large payload capacity enables the hosting of a variety of sensor payloads with onboard processing and communication systems, increasing the range and capabilities of maritime and border security systems. The SEA-KIT Omega is controlled by SEA-KIT’s proprietary G-SAVI control and surveillance platform, which provides safe and secure operation from remote control centres.
Reduced crewing significantly increases safety and reduces costs. The vessel’s hybrid propulsion system delivers long endurance with minimal acoustic signature and a reduced CO2 footprint.
Download the SEA-KIT Ω brochure
Contact us for more information on the 36m SEA-KIT Sigma (Σ) class USV.
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